Boarding House

Selimiye Community Centre’s mission is to provide a quality education to students in Manchester while preserving their worldly and moral values.



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Educating the youth in Manchester

 In the light of the importance Islam attaches to all types of education, Selimiye is an institution that strives to convey knowledge to all Muslims regardless of age, language, race or gender. 

Boarding House

We believe in the importance of educating the young to have a better future. Selimiye works to create better education opportunities for youth. Selimiye does this by running student accommodation where students can continue their education in government or private colleges or universities while staying in the boarding house. Students get extra support for their homework and receive Islamic Values Education from qualified teachers in the boarding institution. 

Education Model

Selimiye’s boarding house model provides a clean and comfortable living  environment that is conducive to learning and studying, where students get healthy and nourishing food, receive after-school tuition, get the opportunity to learn foreign languages, play sports, have access to healthy entertainment, learn about Islam, and live their lives by Islamic values. Special attention is paid to youth’s physical and mental development as well as their progress in schools through attachment to mentors. 

Thanks to the donations collected from benevolent people, dozens of students are receiving education in our institution located in Manchester. Our students are educated and taught to be great individuals with high ethic values that are going to be beneficial to society by receiving their academic education along with Islamic studies. 


"The best of you is the one who learns the Qur'an and teaches it."


Students Graduated

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Boarding Students

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Years Operation

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