Education for Children


Our playgroup was established in 2012 at Selimiye Community Centre at Skerry Close in Ardwick by two volunteers. Initially we started our playgroup for Turkish children only, however due to demand and need in the wider community, we have started teaching bilingually in 2014. It proved popular among the Muslim community and served in full capacity since then. 

We have started with 10 children and have reached 20 children in 2019. We have been educating Malaysian, Afghani, Uzbek, African, Azari, Chinese, Pakistani and mixed raced children apart from Turkish. At present our playgroup has been serving in the brand-new building of Selimiye Community Centre with proper child-friendly facilities at Dolphin Street at the same area. We have managed to offer Turkish and English the playgroup lessons in two different levels. There are four different groups of children who have been attending the playgroup. We reached 170% capacity with 41 registered children.

Education for Kids

Damla Playgroup


Our playgroup was established in 2012 at Selimiye Community Centre at Skerry Close in Ardwick by two volunteers. Initially we started our playgroup for Turkish children only however due to demand and need in the wider community, we have started teaching bilingually in 2014. It proved popular among the Muslim community and served in full capacity since then. 

We have started with 10 children and have reached 20 children in 2019. We have been educating Malaysian, Afghani, Uzbek, African, Azari, Chinese, Pakistani and mixed raced children apart from Turkish. At present our playgroup has been serving in the brand-new building of Selimiye Community Centre with proper child-friendly facilities at Dolphin Street at the same area. We have managed to offer Turkish and English the playgroup lessons in two different levels. There are four different groups of children who have been attending the playgroup since the lockdown has eased. We reached 170% capacity with 41 registered children.


Our playgroup is situated next to the community centre premises. The classroom has been designed at age appropriate interiors. Each child has their own locker to keep their belongings safe. We have opened another classroom due to high demand for our playgroup education. 


We have two sets of books for ages 5+ and 6+. Due to successful early learning in the UK, 5+ is appropriate for ages 4+ too. These books have been prepared by (teachers Alims, alimahs qualified Islamic teachers) who are also qualified pedagogues. We teach 6 different topics interactively with these books. 

  • Basic fiqh (Ilm-al-hal), 
  • Seerah (life of our Prophet Hz. Muhammad saw),
  • Etiquettes (Sunnah, adab, manners), 
  • Hadith al shareef (words of our prophet Hz. Muhammad saw), 
  • Concept (Love of Allah swt, Patience, 
  • Akhlaq (Character education), Loving and respecting parents etc) 

We teach children with age-appropriate techniques basic knowledge of Islam, being content as a Muslim with the qualities that every parent desires to see at their children.

We offer a comprehensive education to our very young children from age 4+. They complete their playgroup education at the age of 8. 

It should be emphasised again that our playgroup is completely run by a group of volunteer teachers. This makes our playgroup different than others. Our teachers dedicate their time, love and care purely for raising children in the best possible way. We respect your children like adults as well as surrounding them with love and care and this sincerity pays off, our children come to playgroup eagerly and happily. 

“For Muslim, Knowledge is from the cradle to the grave.”


Students Graduated

1 +

Boarding Students

1 +



Years Operation

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