Education for Adults

All of our older Muslim brothers and sisters can benefit from our basic Islamic and Quran education free of charge.

With the basic Islamic knowledge (Ilm-al-Hal) education, fundamental knowledge a Muslim needs in their daily life is taught in a comprehensive manner in accordance with the creed of Ahl-i Sunnah wal Jamaah. 

Education for Adults

All of our older Muslim brothers and sisters can benefit from our basic Islamic and Quran education free of charge.

With the basic Islamic knowledge (Ilm-al-Hal) education, fundamental knowledge a Muslim needs in their daily life is taught in a comprehensive manner in accordance with the creed of Ahl-i Sunnah wal Jamaah. 

Learn Qur'an al-Kareem with us


  • To learn the pillars of Islam and faith, religious concepts such as Halal, Haram, Sins, Ajir & Thawab (Good Deeds) 
  • To learn issues related to personal hygiene such as Tahara, Wudu, Ghusl, Tayammum, Miswak 
  • To learn the rules and practices of Salah (Prayer), Sawm (Fasting), Zakat, Qurbani (Sacrifice / Udhiyyah), Hajj (Pilgrimage), Umrah, Janazah (Funeral) 
  • To learn issues related to social relations and family life such as; neighborhood, hospitality, eating and drinking manners, duties in community life 
  • Learning and memorizing surahs, prayers and dhikr that can be used in our daily lives 

In the education of the Quran;

  • Learning to read the Holy Quran with Tajweed in a very short time with a modern and easy to learn method 
  • Memorizing short Surahs that can be recited in prayer. 

“For Muslim, Knowledge is from the cradle to the grave.”


Students Graduated

1 +

Boarding Students

1 +



Years Operation

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